Actions are more important than words, and that is why Festança has a great social responsibility, especially in the community where it operates. That’s the community and cooperative spirit.
As we strongly believe in the Forestlings philosophy, because we identify ourselves with its values and passion, we know that this money will be well spent!
For these reasons, 1% of the revenue from Festança’s ticket sales goes to the Forestlings project, which takes place in Amarante, very close to Ancede, and which needs our help to become a settled reality!
In short, Forestlings is a learning community offering family friendly educational activities and events.
Within their farm, they are developing the forest and creating a child focused learning space where they will open a forest school for children aged 2 to 6, aswell as offering activities to homeschooled children aged 6 to 12.
Alongside this, we host a variety of educational activities and events for children and families. Covering a range of topics towards a more sustainable lifestyle for the individual, the community and the planet.
The Forestlings project has its bases in the municipality of Amarante, in the north of Portugal, 30km away from Área de Lazer de Ancede, the site of the festival.
The recently created Association Forestlings – Learn in the Nature is the entity behind the project. It was created by a group of enthusiasts for the community and people.